We provide acupuncture and electroacupuncture services to small and large animals. This includes cats, dogs, horses, goats, and cattle. If you have a pet that is not on this list call us - we may be able to attend your pet or know where to refer you!
We provide cold laser therapy using a Class 3 portable laser unit. Often this is used in conjunction with acupuncture but it is also excellent for soft tissue injuries and wound healing.
We are not accepting new general practice patients at this time.
Acupuncture and laser therapy lend themselves well to hospice care for our senior pets. We are happy to assist with making your pet's final time with you as comfortable as possible.
We are equipped to help your pet pass as humanely and comfortably as possible. We have partnered with caring people for cremation services. Private cremation includes a beautiful urn, a paw print, and a lock of your beloved pet's hair.
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